
My MEAA story: Aarti Betigeri

November 30, 2022 #MEAAMedia
Aarti Betigeri is a freelance journalist and media adviser.

Make it Australian makes a splash in Canberra

November 24, 2022 #MakeItAustralian #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity

A Make It Australian delegation of actors, crew, writers, directors and producers delivered a direct message to politicians in Canberra this week: our screen industry needs urgent action to ensure streaming platforms like Netflix and Disney+ make an ongoing contribution to telling Australian stories.

MEAA members in the thick of it at global union congress

November 22, 2022

MEAA members were crucial to the success of the International Trade Union Confederation World Congress held in Melbourne from November 17 to 22.

Almost 1000 delegates from over 120 countries representing over 200 democratic workers’ organisations took part in five days of debate and discussion at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre to shape the next four years ...

Our job is to keep up the pressure

November 17, 2022
There may be a new government in Canberra, but the role of MEAA as the leading advocate for media, entertainment and arts workers has not changed,  says Federal President Simon Collins.

Cassie Derrick appointed Director of MEAA Media

October 5, 2022

Cassie Derrick has been appointed the new Director of the MEAA Media section, taking over from Adam Portelli