MEAA Releases

Latest releases from MEAA

Musicians appeal for anti-competition probe into live music industry

#MEAAMusic, MediaRoom, Releases
Musicians are calling on the government to investigate increasing market domination and anti-competitive practices in the live music industry ...

Nine Publishing strike to go ahead after journalists reject inferior offer

#MEAAMedia, MediaRoom, Releases
Journalists at Nine Publishing will begin a five day strike tomorrow after rejecting a revised enterprise bargaining offer from management ...

Nine Publishing journalists vote to stop work this week

MediaRoom, Releases
Journalists employed by Nine Publishing have overwhelming voted in favour of going on strike on Friday ...

Nine Publishing journalists vote in favour of industrial action

MediaRoom, News, Releases
Journalists employed by Nine Publishing will take industrial action next week ...

Stop AI theft: media, creative and arts workers demand action from government

Media, creative, and arts workers are in Canberra today to warn Parliament that the burgeoning use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will erode creative sector jobs and undermine public trust in the media ...