
Union win at the ABC

March 22, 2023 #HandsOffOurABC #MEAAMedia

MEAA members at the ABC have secured big wins after reaching agreement with management for their new EBA.

Zoe Watkins receives Gold Honour Badge at Federal Council

February 24, 2023

Congratulations to MEAA ECS vice-president Zoe Watkins, who was awarded a Gold Honour Badge at a meeting of MEAA’s Federal Council in Sydney last week for her outstanding work to organise and advocate for Victorian venue staff during COVID lockdowns.

Federal Council meets in Sydney

February 20, 2023 #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia #MEAAMusic #MEAASOMA News

For the first time since 2020, Federal Council, the decision-making body of MEAA made up of 95 elected members from all sections (Equity, Media, Crew and Musicians) and from all around Australia, met face-to-face in Sydney last week.

The meeting gave us a chance to reflect on our many achievements since the last Federal Council, including membership growth despite COVID, and ...

My MEAA story: Emily Hubbard

February 16, 2023
An arts lover, Emily Hubbard has relished her front of house roles at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art over the last five years. Now, she’s using her experience across the Melbourne venue – from the gallery bar to venue hire and visitor experience – to create solidarity among members and improve their conditions as casual workers.

What do you do ...

MEAA member Zerene Webster recognised as outstanding young activist

February 9, 2023 #MEAACrew #MEAAECS

Congratulations to MEAA member Zerene Webster who is nominated for the Athan McCaw Young Activist of the Year Award. Zerene, a proud Wutyubaluk Woman living and working on Wadawurrung Country in Ballaarat (Ballarat), is a passionate activist and union delegate at her workplace, Sovereign Hill, a living museum presenting the story of Ballarat as a goldrush boomtown.

“I have always been ...