
Lighting tech Zoe Watkins elected ECS VP

February 17, 2022 #MEAAECS
Zoe Watkins, a lighting technician at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) and Melbourne Recital Centre, has been unanimously elected Vice President of MEAA’s Entertainment Crew and Sport  (ECS) section in recent elections.

Urgent action needed to arrest decline of regional journalism; more mergers not the answer

February 10, 2022 #MEAAMedia #OurStoriesMatter News

Regional and rural journalists are overworked, underpaid and pessimistic about the future of their careers and the outlets they work for.

Renewal at the top of Australia’s union for media, entertainment and arts workers

February 8, 2022 #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia #MEAAMusic News

The MEAA Federal Council will have a fresh look with 43 new delegates and a change of leadership at the top of the union’s Media section.

MEAA elections 2021-22

December 17, 2021 #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia News

Financial MEAA  members should by now have received ballot papers and candidate information (where supplied by the candidates) for contested elections for union positions.

Leave entitlements for screen crew over the holidays

December 15, 2021 #MEAACrew

Every year MEAA fields enquiries from members working on screen productions about their entitlement to paid public holidays over the Christmas/New Year period.

As most productions call an unpaid hiatus over the period, it’s not a simple yes/no answer.

Crew whose contracts end before Christmas aren’t entitled to the public holidays, but if you’re coming back after the hiatus you may be ...