
Fairfax exempts execs but still cuts 100 journalists

April 21, 2016 #MEAAMedia Featured MediaRoom News Releases

MEAA is bitterly disappointed that Fairfax Media will persist with savage cuts to its editorial staff.

The grey area of ethical internships

April 15, 2016 #MEAAMedia #MEAAStudent News
MEAA has produced new guidelines to prevent exploitation of students keen to work in the media.

Cold reads: Let it flow

April 14, 2016 #MEAAEquity

How would you feel about turning up to your next audition without memorising the script? Lizzie Franks finds out how it’s done in Hollywood.

MEAA condemns AFP’s secret pursuit of journalist’s sources

April 14, 2016 #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom Featured MediaRoom News Releases

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), the union and professional association for Australia’s journalists, is appalled that the Australian Federal Police (AFP) has secretly sought to identify a journalist’s confidential sources by trawling through a journalist’s metadata.

MEAA concerned for welfare of 60 Minutes crew

April 13, 2016 #MEAAMedia Featured News

MEAA shares concerns for the welfare of the 60 Minutes crew currently imprisoned in Lebanon.