
Keeping healthy on tour – Part One

April 12, 2017 #MEAAEquity

The Equity Magazine asked five performers with busy touring schedules how they manage their health and wellbeing on the road. Here are our first two interviews with Ray Chong Nee and Joshua Robson. 

MEAA condemns News Corp cuts

April 11, 2017 #MEAAMedia Featured News

MEAA has condemned the cuts to front line editorial staff announced today at News Corp metropolitan and community titles around the country.

Photographic staff and production roles have been targeted in the cuts, which were announced at newsroom meetings with company representatives today.

In some cities, up to two-thirds of the photographic staff will be cut, although exact numbers have not yet ...

Listen to the Great Debate – Journalism is Dead, Long Live Journalism!

April 11, 2017 #MEAAMedia CommsPro Featured MediaRoom News

MEAA members work across the media industry, working in journalism, in public relations and as communications specialists.

MEAA members condemn Fairfax cuts

April 7, 2017 #MEAAMedia Featured News

At meetings yesterday, MEAA members in the Fairfax Sydney and Melbourne newsrooms have strongly condemned the $30 million cut to the editorial budget announced by Fairfax management yesterday. Journalists have given the company until Monday to demonstrate it is serious about genuine consultation with staff to achieve savings while not cutting jobs.

MEAA Media section director Katelin McInerney said members on ...

MEAA on the Fairfax Media proposal

April 5, 2017 #FairGoFairfax #MEAAMedia Featured MediaRoom News Other statements Releases

In response to Fairfax Media’s announcement this morning of proposed changes, MEAA Media director Katelin McInerney said: “Fairfax journalists have delivered in spades for the company: more readers than ever and record digital subscription numbers. The announcement from the company today leaves more questions than answers.

“We are looking for a genuine consultation that draws on the expertise of the editorial ...