
My MEAA story: Eliza Berlage

November 30, 2020 #MEAAMedia News
Eliza Berlage is senior journalist at the Naracoorte Community News in South Australia

Equity releases Australia’s first Intimacy Guidelines for stage and screen

November 23, 2020 #MEAAEquity

Australia’s first Intimacy Guidelines for Stage and Screen will establish new processes for work involving nudity, intimacy, simulated sexual activity and sexual violence

Chief Executive’s report for 2019-20

November 17, 2020 #coronavirus #WithMEAA News
A message to all members from Chief Executive Paul Murphy from MEAA’s 2019-20 Annual Report.

My MEAA story: Nathalie McLean

November 13, 2020 #ICMEAA #MEAAEquity News
Nathalie McLean is a saltwater and desert woman who descends from the Wakka Wakka, Gubbi Gubbi and Kullali clans in Queensland.

Jason Klarwein appointed MEAA Equity president

October 20, 2020 #MEAAEquity

The MEAA Board has appointed actor, director and producer Jason Klarwein as federal president of Equity until elections in mid-2021.

Jason has worked nationally and internationally with Australia’s leading theatre companies and has been the artistic director of Grin and Tonic since 2011. The Queensland-based theatre company delivers critically-acclaimed mainstage productions, as well as workshops to over 60,000 school students per ...