
Ten top tips – Kerry Barden

January 28, 2016 #MEAAEquity

Kerry Barden of Barden/Schnee Casting shares his tips for audition success. 

Kerry has cast over 200 films and television shows, including, most notably, Boy’s Don’t Cry, American Psycho, The House of Mirth, Still Alice, Dallas Buyers Club and The Help to name a few. As a producer, his credits include the award winning Conversations With Other Women with Aaron Eckhart and ...

Managing injury in the Australian Ballet

January 27, 2016 #MEAAEquity #MEAAMusic #MEAASOMA News
It takes a large medical and health team to keep MEAA’s members at The Australian Ballet in top physical condition.

Digital media workers get organised

January 25, 2016 #MEAAMedia News
Journalists working for digital media companies in the US are starting to organise into unions to campaign for better pay and conditions.

Save Our Stories campaign continues into 2016

January 21, 2016 #MEAACrew #MEAAEquity

In 2016 MEAA will continue to campaign vigorously to protect local job opportunities for performers and crew.

Window opens to restore ABC funding

January 21, 2016 #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia #MEAAMusic Campaigns News
Take action by emailing your MP for a better funding deal for the ABC.