Zoe Watkins receives Gold Honour Badge at Federal Council

Zoe Watkins
Congratulations to MEAA ECS vice-president Zoe Watkins, who was awarded a Gold Honour Badge at a meeting of MEAA’s Federal Council in Sydney last week for her outstanding work to organise and advocate for Victorian venue staff during COVID lockdowns.
Federal Councillor and MEAA crew member Imogen Titmarsh, who nominated Zoe for this award, says: "Like most technicians Zoe lost much of her work during the COVID lockdowns in Melbourne. She organised an open letter and video campaign with hundreds of signatures and submissions to lobby the Victorian government to give JobKeeper-like payments for all staff, including casuals, at state government-owned venues such as Arts Centre, MCEC, and Melbourne Olympic Park. Within a week of this campaign the state government agreed to a weekly payment, offering support to up to 3000 workers in those venues.”
Zoe, a lighting technician and proud union delegate at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, says: "I've always known how important it is to know your rights at work but I know not everyone has that knowledge. I really enjoy advocating with and for my colleagues to ensure we are treated fairly. Campaigning to ensure the government values our industry and brings us in line with the rates and conditions we deserve not only to survive, but to thrive, is something I'm excited to be working towards next."