Tuesday, August 29th, 2017 #MEAAMedia Featured News
MEAA Online

On Equal Pay Day (Monday, September 4) do your bit to end the gender pay gap in our industry by taking action and calling on all media bosses to put their money where their gender pay gap is!

Our industry's gender pay gap is not shifting. At 23.3% (for people working in print and publishing) and 22.2% (for people in broadcasting) respectively, the media industry is far beyond the national average of 15.6% and even when compared to the male-dominated mining industry (15.8%).

But change is happening - and you, MEAA member, are a key player in the push to close the pay gap.

On September 4, MEAA is calling on employers to take these three immediate steps to improve their organisation's action on closing the gender pay and opportunity gap:

  1. implement tracking and transparency about the gender pay relationship;
  2. create family-friendly workplaces; and
  3. dedicate your employer's annual merit budget to fixing the problem of unfair pay.

Your action can help us hold them to it.

Here's what you can do: Print out a copy of this Equal Pay Action Card, fill in your suggestion on how to "FILL THE GAP" in the white space, and post a selfie tagging @WIM_Aus and @withMEAA(Twitter) and @WiMAus (Facebook) with the hashtags #equalpayday and #meritovermates.

You can read excellent articles on why investing in women and their careers (as well as hiring from more diverse backgrounds and providing blokes with better access to parental leave and flexible working arrangements) is good for business and imperative to the future of our industry in a digital world.

Read more:

The Conversation - how the gender pay gap is hurting productivity
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency - The business case for gender pay equity
The Monthly - Business as Usual