Media Room

MEAA media releases, reports, submissions and speeches. Sign up below to receive our media releases and public statements.

Joint submission on NSW FoI

Joint media organisations' submission to the review of the the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 ...

Industrial Umpire Decides AFL Media employees can collectively bargain

AFL Media journalists have won the right to collectively bargain with the AFL after the Fair Work Commission ruled that a majority of employees were in favour of collective negotiations to set their working conditions ...

Beware of extra work on Pirates feature film

Equity has been made aware of a number of advertisements promising extra work on the Pirates of the Caribbean movie in exchange for a fee ...

MEAA appoints Paul Murphy CEO

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance is pleased to announce that Paul Murphy has been appointed chief executive officer, effective March 2015. He will replace federal secretary Chris Warren who has led the union for the last 28 years ...

MEAA Statement on ABC funding cuts

The announcement today that upwards of $300 million in funding will be cut from the ABC and SBS over the next five years confirms the worst fears of staff and the community ...

Joint submission on Foreign Fighters Bill

The second joint media organisations' submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security inquiry into the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Bill (No.1) 2014 ...

Joint submission on Commonwealth FoI

Joint media organisations' submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee inquiry into the Freedom of Information Amendment (New Arrangements) Bill 2014 ...

Simon Burke stands down as Equity president

Widely respected performer and producer Simon Burke has announced that he will stand down as the federal president of Actors Equity Australia after 10 years at the helm, and exactly 40 years since he became a member at the age of 12 ...
All MEAA sections - Mark Phillips
Director Communications
All MEAA sections
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MEAA Equity section - Lizzie Franks
Communications Manager
MEAA Equity section
02 9333 0961