Media Room

MEAA media releases, reports, submissions and speeches. Sign up below to receive our media releases and public statements.

MEAA condemns East Timor’s attack on press freedom

MEAA, the trade union and industry advocate for Australia’s journalists, condemns the East Timor government’s proposed new media law that will have a chilling effect on press freedom across the country. Elements of the law have been found to be unconstitutional ...

Lewis Review to propose a doubling of cuts to ABC

MEAA, the union and professional association for Australia’s journalists, is shocked by reports that the cuts proposed for the ABC’s budget may be more than double what was initially proposed ...

MEAA submission on National Security amendments

MEAA submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security inquiry into the National Security Law Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2014.  ...

Joint submission on National Security amendments

Joint media organisations' submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security inquiry into the National Security Law Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2014 ...

AFL’s “disappointing” response to EBA for media staff

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) today confirmed that editorial staff members employed by AFL Media have asked their union to negotiate a collective agreement on their behalf ...

NZ performers welcome Labour Party proposal to restore fairness and certainty for NZ workers

Equity New Zealand today welcomed the announcement by the Labour Party that if elected, it would restore the right of film and television workers to collective bargaining ...

Joint follow-up to SA A-G on Devices Bill

Follow-up letter to the South Australian Attorney-General John Rau on the Surveillance Devices Bill 2014 ...

MEAA statement on Al Jazeera verdict in Cairo

The statement below was released last night by MEAA. MEAA is in contact with the Greste family and will continue campaigning for the freedom of the journalists ...
All MEAA sections - Mark Phillips
Director Communications
All MEAA sections
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MEAA Equity section - Lizzie Franks
Communications Manager
MEAA Equity section
02 9333 0961