MEAA Submissions

Latest submissions from MEAA

MEAA submission to review of options to support national broadcasters independence

MediaRoom, Submissions
MEAA has consistently pointed to a number of serious concerns in relation to attempts of political influence by government over public broadcaster editorial decision making and related governance concerns as well lack of funding certainty. MEAA has suggested governance and funding options to strengthen the editorial independence and strength of ...

MEAA submission on misinformation and disinformation

MEAA makes this submission in response to the Australian Government’s draft Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023. It says that in combatting misinformation and disinformation, it is important to achieve a balance between protecting the public from serious harm from misinformation and disinformation and ensuring fundamental rights ...

MEAA submission on safe and responsible AI in Australia

MediaRoom, Submissions
The rapid advancement and distribution of AI – in particular, generative AI – holds remarkable promise for societies, businesses and individuals, but also poses unique threats to our members’ work, income, rights and creative agency, and to the continuation of Australian voices in a sustainable media and entertainment industry ...

MEAA submission to the Senate inquiry into the National Cultural Policy

MediaRoom, Submissions
This submission is made by MEAA to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications inquiry into the National Cultural Policy, Revive. MEAA considers Revive to be a landmark document. It is our nation’s first consolidated cultural policy in a decade. It follows what many in the arts community consider ...

Submission to Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade inquiry into human rights implications of recent violence in Iran

This submission by MEAA has been made to the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade inquiry into human rights implications of recent violence in Iran ...