Media Room

MEAA media releases, reports, submissions and speeches. Sign up below to receive our media releases and public statements.

ABC racism report is a watershed moment for media industry

#MEAAMedia, MediaRoom, Releases
The Listen Loudly, Act Strongly report into how the ABC has dealt with racism experienced by its staff is a watershed moment for the media industry that must lead to change in all workplaces ...

Opening statement by Karen Percy to Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society

#MEAAMedia, MediaRoom, Speeches
This is an edited version of the opening statement by MEAA Media Federal President Karen Percy to a hearing of the Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society on September 30, 2023 ...

Submission to House of Reps inquiry into digital transformation of workplaces

MediaRoom, Submissions
This submission is to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training inquiry into the Digital Transformation of Workplaces. The submission focusses on risks, opportunities, and consequences relating the rapid development and uptake of automated decision making and machine learning techniques in the workplace; the effects of ...

Guardian Australia staff vote yes on protected action ballot

#MEAAMedia, MediaRoom, Releases
Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance members at Guardian Australia have today overwhelmingly voted yes on a protected action ballot ...

Next Nine boss must put the journalism first

#MEAAMedia, MediaRoom, Releases
Nine Entertainment must not waste the opportunity created by the departure of Chief Executive Officer Mike Sneesby to reset the business with a clearer focus on supporting quality journalism ...

Latest regional media redundancies a blow to local journalism

#MEAAMedia, MediaRoom, Releases
ACM’s announcement today that it would cut 35 jobs across 11 newsrooms, which follows its decision to discontinue printing eight newspapers, is a blow to quality local journalism. To be attributed to Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance acting Media Director Michelle Rae: “While ACM promotes itself as a “trusted voice” ...

MEAA members lodge protected action ballot at Guardian Australia

#MEAAMedia, MediaRoom, Releases
Members of the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance at Guardian Australia have today applied to the Fair Work Commission for a protected action ballot.   Guardian Australia journalists are committed to providing quality journalism for the readers. They are taking the step of a protected action ballot to ensure sustainable and ...

Submission to the Victorian Creative State Strategy

In this submission to the Creative State Strategy, MEAA says Victorians need a comprehensive arts and cultural agenda, effectively and sustainably funded, to help build a better society. As the pressures of work and economic survival demand more of our time, we need to question whether the cultural participation of ...
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Director Communications
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