Content creators need to make a living
Australia’s creative professionals must be properly remunerated and recognised for their work.
MEAA has lobbied government about ensuring the creative works of people in the media, arts and entertainment industries are protected by appropriate copyright law that is strengthened to respond to the digital era. MEAA also works to ensure fair payment for its members for their work. MEAA supports the landmark international treaty to protect performers in film, television and digital media which strengthens the position of performers by providing a clear international legal framework for their protection.
ALRC’s copyright report seeks to undermine creative workers’ rights
In 2014 MEAA has expressed serious concern over recommendations of the Australian Law Reform Commission to overhaul Australia’s copyright regime.
In its Copyright in the Digital Economy report tabled in Parliament, the ALRC proposed the introduction of a US-style “fair use” exception to Australia’s copyright – which if accepted by government would have the potential to seriously harm Australia’s creative industries.
In its submission to the inquiry MEAA strongly argued against the proposal to replace existing exceptions in the Copyright Act with an open-ended “fair use” exception. Under current Australian copyright law “fair dealing” exceptions allow content to be copied for a limited number of specific purposes such as research, criticism, parody and news reporting. However, an open-ended US-style “fair use” exception is far broader, leading to increased levels of litigation to define its scope.
MEAA federal secretary Christopher Warren says: “Creative professionals are entitled to be recognised and deserve to be remunerated for what they do – just like any worker. The arrival of digital platforms to forge, distribute, display and share created works does not alter that fact. New media provides opportunities – those opportunities should never be used as an excuse to strip creative people of their means of earning a living. The argument that the digital economy should transform created works into a free-for-all business model is a falsehood that actually undermines, stifles and erodes creativity – and ultimately harms consumers.”
The ALRC have also recommended changes to the well-established statutory licence regime which has for many years served both creators and the education sector well.
Sue McCreadie, MEAA’s national director of Equity says: “While the we welcome the decision by the inquiry to step back from its original radical proposal to repeal statutory licences, MEAA categorically rejects the revised proposal as it would significantly undermine the statutory licence regime and seriously impact the sustainability of the creative industries, particularly film and television businesses. The ALRC has failed to acknowledge the fundamental right of creators to make a living and be rewarded for their work.”