Hacks/Hackers Brisbane - open lab


Hacks/Hackers Brisbane is on again (as it is every month) on Tuesday October 24 from 5.30pm to 8.30pm—and we’re trying something different.

Open journalism and open source are strong movements for a reason—ideas tend to get better when you share them and work together with similarly clever people

Come along, setup your laptop and start creating something fun/great/experimental alongside other Hacks/Hackers.

The idea of an Open Lab is to get together in a less formal setting than work, but somewhere that you’ve got like-minded folks to shoot the breeze with and bounce ideas off.

Of course, there will be the usual🍕 and🍻

If you’ve got a project, even if it’s just a twinkle in your mind’s eye, share it with us and get some help from the crowd, and if you want to help others hack away on their projects—check them out here and add your name as a potential helper!

Would love to see you there.

Details and RSVP here:https://www.meetup.com/preview/Hacks-Hackers-Brisbane/events/bsggqmywnbgc

Town/City Brisbane
State Queensland
Expires on 24/10/2017