MEAA ensures AIM employees receive over $40,000 in back payments

MEAA has been successful in ensuring staff across the country at the Australian Institute of Music (AIM) received over $40,000 in back payments from the period of July – November 2015.
The National Wage Increase surpassed the Award for the first time last year and came into effect in July 2015. Due to this wage increase, AIM employees were entitled to a higher wage rate than their current Award rate. AIM employees were only paid the correct rate in November 2015 which meant there was four months’ worth of back-pay owing.
MEAA members bought the discrepancy to the attention of MEAA who then lodged the dispute with the Fair Work Commission on March 9. AIM then issued the outstanding monies to its employees.
Mal Tulloch, director of MEAA Entertainment, Crew & Sport said, "Without MEAA’s intervention on behalf of AIM staff they would still be paid below the Award and owed this money.
“AIM staff now have 40000 reasons to support the work of their union and be a member.”
Staff at AIM would have noticed the extra payment in their wages on Friday March 18 (last Friday).
"MEAA puts on notice other employers who attempt to underpay their workers and will not hesitate from taking similar action on behalf of our members." Tulloch said.