Theatre lovers around Australia will be urged to contact producers to help performers secure a fair deal after more than a year of negotiations have failed to reach agreement ...
The union for Australian journalists condemns the rising death toll of media workers in Gaza and calls on Israel and Hamas to respect the role that journalists play as non-combatant witnesses in times of war ...
The union for Australian journalists is alarmed at reports that Western Australian police are demanding the ABC hand over footage featuring climate activists filmed as part of an investigative television documentary that has yet to air ...
The restoration of funding for the NSW screen industry will ensure thousands of jobs and small businesses remain in the state, says the union for screen workers ...
Reports that the Secretary of the Department of Home Affairs advocated for a new form of media censorship and to “criminalise” journalism raise disturbing concerns that must be acted upon by the Federal Government ...
Hundreds of screen workers held a mass meeting in Sydney today and have committed to campaign to reverse cuts of $60 million to screen industry funding in the NSW Budget that will have a devastating impact on employment and small business ...