Wendy Bacon lecture - Perth

5:45pm - 9:00pm
Curtin Council Chamber, Level 3, Building 100 Curtin University - Kent Street, Bentley, WA 6102

In this China Australia Writing Centre lecture, presented in collaboration with Curtin journalism students’ association Newsspeak, Wendy Bacon will take us on a tour through 40 years of Australian investigative journalism. Drawing on her own experience and that of other journalists, she will chart the ways in which values and publication are reflected in journalism practice and how this has changed over 40 years. Bacon will also touch on examples in her own work as a professional, social justice and activist journalist, such as her recent investigations into misinformation and secrecy surrounding the NSW WestConnex motorway project, the resumption of public land for private interests, and the abuse of women asylum seekers on Nauru.
When: Monday, September 12, 2016, 5.45 for 6pm.
Where: Curtin Council Chamber, Level 3, Building 100 Curtin University – Kent Street, Bentley, WA 6102.
The full invitation, including more information on Wendy Bacon, and a link to registration is here. The lecture is free of charge but please register as places are limited