1:00pm - 2:00pm
National (via Zoom)
Australia is sliding down global press freedom rankings. Join journalists and advocates to discuss the state of our media and our democracy.
Last year’s raids by the Australian Federal Police on journalists employed by News Corp and the ABC brought global attention to the state of press freedom in Australia with fears that journalists could be jailed simply for doing their job of informing the public.
Heavy handed national security laws, barriers to freedom of information, an archaic defamation regime and a culture of government secrecy have combined to see Australia slide down world press freedom rankings, and ultimately, our democracy suffers.
Marcus Strom, Federal President of the Media Section of the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance, will host a discussion with Gold Walkley Award winning investigative journalist Anne Davies, Peter Greste, Director of the Alliance for Journalists’ Freedom, and Courtney Radsch, Advocacy Director, Committee to Protect Journalists (from Washington D.C.).