PEN Perth: Geoff Gallop — Right Speech in an Age of Post-Truth

6:00pm - 7:30pm
State Library of Western Australia 25 Francis Street Perth

PEN Perth Annual Patron’s Lecture

In ‘Right Speech in an Age of Post-Truth’ Geoff Gallop will examine what constitutes good and proper speech in an era where democratic values, including truth itself, are under attack. In responding to a climate of hate, it combines thinking from Buddhist, liberal, and humanistic traditions with acute social observation on contemporary politics. It draws on Dr. Gallop’s own research and his experiences as a professor and politician. Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking intellectual discussion as we defend responsible freedom of expression with one of Western Australia’s best loved public intellectuals.

Born in Geraldton, Geoff Gallop was the Premier of Western Australia from 2001 to 2006. He holds a doctorate from Oxford University after winning a Rhodes Scholarship there. Dr. Gallop is a former Chair of the Australian Republican Movement, an Emeritus Professor at the University of Sydney, and is the author of Politics, Society, Self. He represented the suburb of Victoria Park during his parliamentary career.

PEN is a non-profit organisation that works at the intersection of writing and politics. In particular, we campaign for the release of wrongfully imprisoned writers and advocate for the responsible freedom of expression. This is the second year of the PEN Perth Annual Patron’s Lecture. It is a fundraising event for PEN Perth, and helps fund our activities for the rest of the year. For more information about our work, about becoming a member or donating to PEN Perth, please visit thewebsite at