How's your Super doing?

09/04/2019 - 24/04/2019

MEAA offices in your capital city

There has never been a better time for a Super Chat.

Sit down with a business development manager from Media Super to make sure your retirement nest egg is working as hard as it can for you!

• Understand how your account works
• Get to know your investment options
• Find your lost super
• Combine all your super accounts
• Understand the different ways you can add to your super savings
• Organise personal insurance cover to meet your needs
• Complete the paperwork

Free health check-ups for your Superannuation from Media Super. Just email your relevant business development manager to make an appointment time on the dates and locations below:

Sydney – April 17, MEAA office, 245 Chalmers Street, Redfern. BDM Peter Cleary 0418 406 083

Melbourne – April 23 and 24, MEAA office, level 3, 365 Queen Street, Melbourne. BDM Eric Black 0408 503 265

Brisbane – April 11, MEAA office, level 3, TLC Building, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane. BDM Steven Gardner 0423 324 352

*** POSTPONED *** Perth – new date TBA, MEAA office, suite 1, 12-14 Thelma Street, West Perth. BDM Patrick Horneman 0408 759 586

Adelaide –  April 12, MEAA office, unit 4, 241 Pirie Street, Adelaide. BDM Dorothy Staruchowicz 0418 200 668