Media Room

MEAA media releases, reports, submissions and speeches. Sign up below to receive our media releases and public statements.

Press Freedom Report 2007

Official Spin: Censorship and Control of the Australian Press - the 2007 report into the state of Press Freedom in Australia looks at the Harvey and McManus conviction for refusing to reveal the identity of a confidential sources and the need to introduce uniform laws to journalists' sources ...

Press Freedom Report 2006

The Media Muzzled - the 2006 report into the state of Press Freedom in Australia examines the uniform defamation law regime, the ongoing fight for shield laws, and the landmark freedom of information case McKinnon v Treasury, plus the threats to press freedom contained in the Anti-Terrorism (No. 2) Act ...

Press Freedom Report 2001-2005

Turning Up The Heat - the 2001-2005 report into the state of Press Freedom in Australia looks at the spate of counter-terror and secrecy laws that have arisen since the 9/11 attacks, attacks on whistleblowers, threats to the ABC, journalist safety and obstruction of journalists working abroad ...
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Director Communications
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Communications Manager
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