Latest news from MEAA Media

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MEAA Member Central Holiday Hours

/ #MEAACrew, #MEAAECS, #MEAAEquity, #MEAAMedia
MEAA Member Central will be staffed the following hours (AEDT) during the holiday period ...

My MEAA Story: Emma Field

/ #MEAAMedia, News
ABC regional journalist Emma Field was part of the delegate team that negotiated the latest enterprise bargaining agreement. I career-changed ...

Navigating an ever-changing landscape

The past year has highlighted the importance of adaptability and innovation in our industries,  says Federal President Simon Collins ...

Union win at the ABC

/ #HandsOffOurABC, #MEAAMedia
MEAA members at the ABC have secured big wins after reaching agreement with management for their new EBA ...

Federal Council meets in Sydney

For the first time since 2020, Federal Council, the decision-making body of MEAA made up of 95 elected members from ...